Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Richard Linche: 1548-1601, Sonnet XX

THE STRONGEST pine, that Queen FERONIA hath,
      growing within her woody empiry,
Is soon thrown down by BOREAS’ wintry wrath,
      if one root only his supporter be.
The tallest ship that cuts the angry wave,
      and plows the seas of SATURN’s second sun,
If but one anchor for a journey have,
      when that is lost, ’gainst every rock doth run.
I am that pine, fair Love! that ship am I!
      and thou, that anchor art and root to me!
If then thou fail (O fail not!) I must die!
      and pine away in endless misery!
But words prevail not! nor can sighs devise
To move thy heart, if bent to tyrannize.


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